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Trauma in the Library: 

The Trauma in the Library Project is an IMLS-funded project (IMLS: RE-246341-OLS-20) that uses trauma cognitive-behavioral theory and mixed methods to investigate the prevalence and extent of traumatic incidents and PTSD in library staff in the United States.  

I have been a researcher on this project since May of 2023, and led interview scheduling and conducted interviews with library staff across the country, reported out findings to IMLS, presented our research at multiple conferences and trainings, and submitted a new IMLS grant application to continue this essential research. 


For more details on this project and updates, please visit our website: Trauma in the Library 

“Front line staff are seen by patrons as social workers. We want to help but aren’t able—we’re not social workers, experts in law, or health professionals. This causes immense stress, vicarious trauma. Users take out their stress on staff by being rude, threatening violence, and more.” -Interview Participant 
“We’re having 200 incidents a year involving direct threats to staff. Managers spend much time in a security role. I’ve lost count how many times and ways I’ve been threatened in the last 7 years, when incidents really started to rise.” -Interview Participant 
“My biggest challenge is I have a master’s degree in library and information studies. I do not have a master’s degree in how to cope with death in the workplace or how to deal with high levels of stress and trauma.” -Study Participant

Writing in progress for PLQ 

Spring 2024

IMLS grant submission 

March 2024

Poster accepted for ALA 2024!

February 2024

WLA Conference 

March 2024

Washington Libraries Directors Meeting

February 2024

TIL Training for Interlake

January 2024
Marble Surface

LIS 598 Course

January - March 2024
Marble Surface

Completion of Interviews

June 2023 - November 2023
Marble Surface

Recruited to TIL Team

May 2023

Library staff experience 

Here you can see a social-ecological model of the pressures and traumatic stressors affecting library staff that I designed to summarize our research findings. 

Trauma Layers (1).png
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