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These projects showcase the skills I am building as a graduate student and researcher at the UW iSchool, including grant-writing, curriculum development, workforce training, and research. 

Directed Fieldwork: Read-a-Rama Trauma-Informed Care Training

For my Spring 2024 Direct Fieldwork, I am working with Read-a-Rama (a Seattle-based program that improves children's literature programming from 30 minute story times to week-long camps) to update and expand their Trauma-Informed and Healing Centered training for staff. 


Trauma in the Library IMLS Project

The Trauma in the Library Project is an IMLS-funded project (IMLS: RE-246341-OLS-20) that uses trauma cognitive-behavioral theory and mixed methods to investigate the prevalence and extent of traumatic incidents and PTSD in library staff in the United States.  I have been a Researcher on this project since May of 2023. 

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