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Directed Fieldwork: Trauma-Informed Care Training Revamp

For my Spring 2024 Directed Fieldwork, I am working with Read-a-Rama (a Seattle-based program that improves children's literature programming from 30 minute story times to week-long camps) to update and expand their Trauma-Informed and Healing Centered training for staff. 

Weekly Reflection Posts

Throughout this quarter-long Directed Fieldwork, I will create weekly reflection posts on my progress on the learning outcomes. 

Book Shelf

Learning Outcomes

  • Update trauma-informed care materials developed for Read-a-Rama to reflect current language and practices. 

  • Distribute materials to Read-a-Rama staff and volunteers.

  • Attend and help facilitate both Saturday camps in April and May.

  • Aid with programming and lesson planning for Summer 2024 camps. 

  • Implement lessons from April 27th Holistic Life Foundation workshop into programming.

  • Update the TIC guidelines to use inclusive language and diverse examples/names/stories.

Final Training Implementation and Feedback

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