March 25th-March 31st)
This week, I began my directed fieldwork with Read-a-Rama, a non-profit that centers all programming around books and reading. Read-a-Rama takes the form of Saturday day camps and summer camps run by the Read-a-Rama team, and also trains libraries to put on their own Read-a-Rama camps with their premade curriculums. This program was founded by Dr. Michelle H. Martin, who is the Beverly Cleary Professor for Children and Youth Services at the UW iSchool.
For this DFW, I will be revamping the Trauma-Informed Care curriculum for counselors, volunteers, and organizations putting on Camp Read-a-Rama. The current curriculum was designed as a capstone by an iSchool alum, and requires some updates in terms of current practices in Trauma-informed Care and to align with Read-a-Rama's graphic design.
On Monday, I met with Dr. Martin to get onboarded with Read-a-Rama. She shared the current TIC modules as well as the presentation used to train Read-a-Rama volunteers, counselors, and participants. I familiarized myself with these materials and prepared a list of suggested edits for the TIC curriculum.