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Week 3 Read-a-Rama DFW

Apr 12

1 min read



(April 7th-14th)

This Monday I met with Dr. Martin is review my work from last week of annotating and researching other trauma-informed care curriculums. I also helped to table the Sunday Ballard Market with Read-a-Rama, and was given the opportunity to talk to families about the spring and summer camp programming.

For the remainder of the week, I focus on building the new slide deck. I annotated all of the slides from the previous TIC modules, and began editing and annotating to decide which information to incorporate into the new slide deck and which to remove. These edits were in line with the recommendations I gave Dr. Martin during our meeting last Monday.

I also obtained the Brand Template from Jessamyn for Read-a-Rama materials, and created 3 versions of the slide deck themes to present to Dr. Martin this coming Monday so that she can approve the final design.

Apr 12

1 min read



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